Wednesday, March 24, 2010


If you grew up in the years before the sixties, the word and name, AMERICA, meant so much more.

What has happened to our country? When did we turn our heads away and allow someone to come in and take our love for country, freedoms, and yes even our love for GOD away.

People of AMERICA, it is time to take a stand for what is right and true. This man that crept in our country, is slowly going to take everything our forefathers worked so hard to obtain for us, to make our life easier, away.

"But, what can I do?" you ask. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for our country, each other and this man. This is GOD'S , WORLD, HIS COUNTRY. Remember, Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning GOD ..." LET'S JOIN HANDS AND PRAY, PRAY, PRAY THAT THIS MAN WILL LEAVE OUR COUNTRY ALONE.

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